I love dreaming and

I cherish hopes.

I like to tackle life’s

challenges with the spirit

of a child. It’s the secret to

living life to the fullest.


There are intangibles but powerful things. Rarefied materials that, when in contact with the concrete strength of will, can change the world. They are dreams and hopes.

Those very dreams that have given birth to something concrete and tangible as the Maison Fabi; those same hopes that, with determination, projecting into the future the Fabi’s tradition of excellence.

And there is nothing more appropriate than a perfume to convey this concept.

The Fabi Essenze collection, with 68 Hope and Dreams, has caught the material of dreams, have made a distillate to tell the story of Emanuele Fabi. At the head of the Maison, Emanuele has shown that the real challenges can be faced with all the power of dreams and hopes. Sometimes, you just have to sit by the sea and let the fantasy go; get high on ozone to dissolve the weights of sterile cynicism to which we‘re addicted by the everyday life, to fly high, where everything is possible.

Who chooses 68 Hope and Dreams among the perfumes from the Fabi Essenze collection wants to soar on the light wings of ozone; wants to get carried away by the music of a magic bland of tropical fruits and saffron. The Essence dedicated to Emanuele Fabi has been designed for those who believe in the power of dreams and love to see their hopes realized thanks to its concrete commitment in everyday life.

We invite you to follow the next link to find out more about Hope and Dreams 68 and the other fragrances from the Fabi Essenze collection.