I love jotting down thoughts on paper, I feel like

I’m capturing them in time.

I adore ink and its scent

attracts me.


The smell is a powerful sense. It can make us travel through time, reviving dormant feelings, emotions forgotten. It is the sense that, properly stimulated , can make us transcend. As in Proust’s Recherche , as in a liturgical ritual . As with the stimuli of Fabi Essences.

58 Ways and Means projects us into a precise dimention. We are at the center of the room of an intellectual from the past: the light that enters touches the wood paneling on the walls, books by the leather covers are almost everywhere, the oak desk is stained with ink, the smell of an unlit pipe, incense that accompanied a meditation and yellowed paper on which thoughts have become powerful and indomitable signs that cross the time.

Papyrus, ink, charcoal, as well as incense, leather, wood and tobacco for us there is nothing better to describe the personality and the essence of Flaminio Fabi. An intriguing charm: that of the free-thinker who does not like laces and dictates; but that, by virtue of his being free, is open and tolerant.

Who wears 58 Ways and Means, among Fabi Essences, choses to emphasize its charm in perfect balance between the old style and a new style. A charm cloaked by the same mystery that characterizes the signs marked on paper, that can grasp the thought and which we call words.

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