Elegance is made of small rules, details  able to make the real difference between the class and the clumsy attempt to imitate it. After seeing how to match shoes and belt, polo shirts and jackets, we turn to one of the biggest dilemmas for man: how to match shoes, socks and pants.

There is no doubt: the taste for color combinations is something innate or something acquired by long observation of the models of masculine elegance. Yet there are some clear rules to avoid mistakes choosing the right shade of socks starting form the colors of the pants and the shoe.

Rule # 1: if you are uncertain, for the socks choose the pants’ color.

Rule # 2: create a smooth passage between the pants and the shoes color tones.

Rule # 3: for a vibrant outfits (not recommended in formal occasions), play with color contrasts. A tip? Pants in gray and chocolate brown shoes: try to match bright red socks.

Rule # 4: if you choose fancy socks, the combination with the right shoes and pants must be granted, ensuring that the colors of the socks comprehend at least one color of the other components of the look.

Rule # 5: the thick sock (cotton or wool) goes only with the casual shoe.

Now that we have discovered what are the basic rules for matching socks, shoes and pants in the men’s elegance, we invite you to visit our online boutique for other style cues starting from the men’s collection of shoes by Fabi.