Think, grandchildren, your grandfather in thirteen years had passed from sharecropper to industrialist; all this just by force of work and without the help of anyone.

The factory was everything we had and we defended it with nails and teeth

Elisio Fabi

1972: The first factory

After the initial period of sacrifice and renunciation, spent to counterstrike of fate Fabi manage to finance the construction of a factory in Monte San Giusto, to be precise in Villa San Filippo. It was the first factory in the area and, at the time, it was not easy to find labor, although there was plenty of work.

1975: excellence in workmanship kids

Thanks to the quality hides supplied by Sancho Tannery, the brand became a Made in Italy excellence for the production of classic footwear man kid. “We had become a leader in Italy in the processing and production of kids classic footwear,” recalls Elisio Fabi. The specialized processing, using techniques and equipment for processing of hides even thinner. The result was a sample with few varieties but in great demand.

1979: The new factory

For a company that works in the fashion, the factory is also a matter of image. Although built a few years earlier, the old factory started be not enough to Fabi who dreamed for a building with a largere lobby, modern offices and meeting rooms.

The new headquarter was opened in 1986.

1980: the temptation of exports and consolidation in Italy

Made in Italy, in those years, was beginning to look to foreign markets such as Germany and the USA. But it was a gamble for few.

“We were too small to throw ourselves into the fray – tells Elisio Fabi – Who had already tried with these countries had failed; then we continued to work mainly in Italy.”

1990: the opening to the women’s fashion

With the drop in sales of men’s fashion, the collections Fabi diverged accepting even the models dedicated to women. Initially it was not easy to find skilled workers for the production of female models. But, today, we can say that was a wise choice and women’s shoes by Fabi are appreciated all over the world. And the story of 50 years of Fabi continues with a new chapter.

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